In February 2010 we launched the most recent iteration of ABC Local, by my calculation the fifth I’ve been involved in. This time the project took 14 months but when you consider there are 54 sites and hundred of thousands of pages, along with significant photo, audio and video media files this is not as long as you might think.
Tag: audio
Tools for Journalism
Tools for modern journalism was a presentation prepared for primarily post-graduate students and staff of…
Audio Online
This is a presentation made to first year Journalism students at the University of Queensland….
History of “The Backyard”
History of the Backyard The Backyard story is one of people, place and communication. It…
Straw Bale House
In the late 1990’s I stopped off in Maleny, Queensland where I interviewed architect Ahtee…
Robert Jordan, author
In 1993 I interviewed, Robert Jordan, a fantasy author from the United states. Probably best…
Charles Perkins, activist
It would be difficult to work in the Northern Territory in the last half of…
Molly Ferguson, teacher, School of the Air
I’ve always enjoyed it when I get the chance to happen upon a bit of…
Winston Peters, MP
I met Winston Peters in 1990 while he was traveling through the Northern Territory. At…
Larapinta trail
While many think of Central Australia as a desert, there is real beauty in this…