Have been working with some mainly iPhone users over the last couple of weeks.
One issue was getting different sizes for images added to a project – don't know what the more recent iPhones do but the ones I was working with had a small, medium, large resolution.
I was interested my Galaxy S2 was somewhat better, although a custom size would be nice.
At the end of the day we decided to shoot large, and use an image resize app for the project which should give us the best of both worlds, a good size image that could be cropped and resized for the project.
https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/simple-resize/id327776379?mt=8 for iPhones and
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shoozhoo.imageresizer for Android
#wp #365project #365project2013 #365photo
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